♥ Drama Queen! Anak Manja Mak dan Papa Taken by Muhammad Imran Graduation To Be ღ You've dropped in my WORLD. Be nice here and i will triple nice to you darling. Thank you ღ ♥ Our Love Quote! MEMO : Im just an Ordinary Gurl that full with mistakes . Im only get jelous becoz I LOVE YOU and I DONT WANT anyone else to HAVE you . ♥ Walking and Talking! ♥ Heart You! ♥ Credits!
| FINAL EXAM ! =.=''
ASSALAMMUALAIKUM :) ehemm ehemm . hampir 2 bulan kot tak update blog nih . hee , act no hee , tp ayini kite da belai belai dye balek . hee . tgkk lahh kite da tuka tuka siket . cantek tak ? tak cantek da . kesa pulak kite . wekk :P okayy . refer kat title post nih . FINAL EXAM ! =.='' grr , yupp yupp my final exam is around okayy . tak lame lg da , mggu depan jer taw . adoyy , serius risau + takot . hurmm . acane nih . see , scary tak . haha . tak scary mne pun pic tuh . hehe . exam da dekat , tp mood na stdy tuh still tak jumpe jumpe lg . haisshh . acane nihh , terokk lahh kite nnty . niat na stdy tuh ad . tp na buat tuh ntahh bile lahh kan . hehe . killer subjek THEORY , KITCHEN OPERATION , ARAB and most important PENGAJIAN ISLAM grr , yang paling kite takot pengajian islam lahh . adoyy . da lahh tak phm ap yg lecturer tuh ajar . selalu ponteng kelas dye pulak tuh . haishh , skng nihh na jwb final dye pulakk . acane tuh . eee . SAKET PULAK HATY KITE NIH . winkk winkk . hope wani tak pening pening na jwb exam mcm budak nih . kan kan . doakan wani taw . hope bole jwb dgn tenang and lancar . hehe :) sangat sangat perlukan doa drpd kowg sume . walau ape pun wani still akan berusaha jugak . hee . niat wani tok sem nih na lahh dpt 3 pointer ke atas kan . nak sgt sgt ! yeahh ! na cubee nihh . engt jgn lupe doakan taw . jgn lupe doakan superheroo kite sekali taw . okayy thanks . ditaip dengan penoh perasaan oleh :